Architecture Summer Studio 2022
In Summer 2022 NPATAK Platform will hold the second edition of the architecture summer studio for Armenian students and young architects. In cooperation with Birthright Armenia young architects from the Armenian Diaspora from around the world will have an opportunity to participate in this year's edition of NPATAK Summer Studio.
During the summer studio multiple study trips, meetings with local architects and public lectures of international architects will be organised.

Program - Concept
2022 Architecture Summer Studio Armenia – will be the second event organised by NPATAK. The primary idea of the Summer Studio is to invite architects from around the world with international education and experience who will be ready to volunteer their time as studio leaders and mentors for local armenian students and young professional.
During the 14 day workshop participants will have a real life experience of cooperation with clients and colleagues around a specific project. Project topics will be provided by respectable non-profit organizations in Armenia from their existing programs that require an architectural viewpoint. Programs can be of any scale ranging from a single building to a public space design. Those topics will be thoroughly researched and developed further into conceptual proposals by five participating groups.
Participating groups consisting of local armenian students and young architects will be supervised by groups of 2-3 tutors with international education and work experience. Group of local professionals will act as local experts and support all teams simultaneously during the entire summer studio.